Book / Self Help

Unposted Letter – Mahatria Ra

Unposted Letter is a self-help book. And never say no to a good self-help book even if you have read hundreds of them. Every self help book I have read gave me something, a new perspective, wisdom, an unseen possibility. This book is the simplest way of telling you about life. This book covers many topics related to life, people, relationships, emotions, work, self-love, and humanity. If you are new to the book-world, and finding something related to self-help, start with this book. The simplicity of this book shows how deep the author has gone to make it simple. This book is given to me by another bookworm and exchanging books with bookworm is always a good idea. (on a condition to return the book, of course!)

About Author

Mahatria Ra is a spiritual leader. His real name is T.T. Rangarajan. Before becoming a spiritual leader he was a software engineer and had a successful software company named Greymatter. Everything changed spiritually, and emotionally for him when he came across a situation, his friend committed suicide, unable to handle emotions. This situation raised questions within him on the significance of education system if it does not teach a man how to lead life.

He chose to be a part of solution by handling over his business and started Alma Mater to teach life skills. He is the founder of infinitheism, an organization that provides a platform for anyone’s transformation on material, emotional and spiritual pursuits. Mahatria is known for his expertise in storytelling and one liner messages. His videos are also published on Youtube and circulated in social media. His Vision is to help people to grow holistically to actualize and maximize their potential.

About Book

The layout of this book is little different. The author talks about his learnings and wisdom in less words but easy to understand. The layout of this book is like you are reading letters on different topics about life, people, relationships, emotions, work, passion, humanity, and self-love and you just need to know that there is learning in those simple sentences. The author has described the important topics in very simple way and backed by stories related to the topics so one can understand easily. Each and every title in this book has deep meaning and very interesting that one wants to read the whole thing just by reading the title. This book is easy, simple and impactful.

Quoting some of my favorite lines from the book.

Pray : “Oh, my lord! this day of mine is your gift unto me and the way I live this day will be gift unto you.”

“Relationships have to be nurtured with the investment of quality time. The spelling of LOVE in a relationship is T.I.M.E. “

“Life will not postpone our death. So, let us not postpone our life.”

“The past is irrelevant. The present forms the building blocks. The future is very significant, for that is where the two of you will travel together.”

“Discussing day to day trifles alone will only make you fall in love. Talk future, talk dreams, talk ambitions and resolve to play a part in each other’s growth in a very objective and nonintrusive manner. That’s the way to grow in love.”

“The fact is, much after YOUR life and MY life has become OUR life, there is still my life and your life. This will ensure that you respect each other’s space, each other’s individual likes, dislikes and priorities, and most importantly you do not suffocate each other in name of love.”

“Let life be beautiful because of the world. Let life be beautiful in spite of the world.”

“Get ahead of people. Do not get even with people.”

” Wherever you go, whatever you do…Live your Character.”

“Everything that was ever solved was solved because somebody was willing to face the facts.”

“Be someone’s greatest gift.”

“The search for that relationship where yesterday’s fight doesn’t halt today’s communication.”

“People feel your love not by what you are with them, but by what they can be with you. In presence and fragrance of your love, let your beloved blossom.”

“Capability is the ability to do better what you are already doing. Capacity is about doing more of what you are already doing. Improve your capability. Increase your capacity. That’s progress.”

“To demand ‘Give more of yourself to life.’ is an intense expression of love.”

“Emotional management begins by stopping to blame that ‘something’ or ‘someone’ and starting to take responsibility to respond life with ‘acceptance’.”

“When was the last time I did something for the first time?”

Lack of excellence should hurt. That which hurts, instructs. That which instructs, creates. Get created. Create excellence. Let your work speak for you.”

“Only relationships that gain strength, confidence, transparency and intimacy over a period of time, develop the stability and depth required to stand the test of time.”

“It doesn’t matter if you don’t have all the answers. Do you have the right questions?”

“See the irony! You are self-sufficient when it comes to keeping your hatred alive, but need external help to keep your love going.”

“Either give me all the information to make a decision, or give me all the information that has led to the decision that I have to abide by.”

“There is no way to happiness. Happiness is the way.”

“Your tomorrow will be shaped by the people you give your today to.”

“You plus your idea can change your world.”

“With my loved ones, I am what I always was.”

“Before you ask yourself or others ‘Will you win?’ you’d better ask, ‘ Are you prepared to do what it takes to win?”

“Curiosity and inquisitiveness are lifelines for human evolution.”

“Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people.”

“Even effortlessness is achieved only through effort.”

“When lived honestly, life heals itself. The truth you resist is the battle you fight.”

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