Book / Self Help

The Everyday Hero Manifesto – Robin Sharma

When you are reading Robin Sharma’s book, you are answering yourself about how to discover the highest power of human potential and what work to do to become a legend in your field, to be the best person you ever could be in every aspect of your life, how to balance discipline, consistency to focus on your highest goal and also enjoy the simple pleasures of life, what practices make you a real hero. This book is another master piece by him.

So I often get asked that if all the self-help books give the same lessons so why one should read each and every, if all are leading to the same place? The answer is the destination is the same but the road they take is different, each one of them takes different road, believe me! How beautiful and astounding will it be to explore each and every road before carving your own! surely to the depth. because wideness has no meaning without depth.

When I was reading this book one more question came to me that why one should know everything, sometimes it’s better not to know, that’s how you unveil the beauty and spontaneity of life. But there comes the answer, you are provided with the wisdom when you are needed to learn it most. It always comes at the perfect time in your life so never stop learning. Bookworm like me believes that some books come into your life at the perfect time. (yeah, little cheesy!)

About Author

Robin Sharma is a Canadian writer, and of Indian origin best known for his ” The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari” book series. He also worked as a lawyer before becoming the full time writer and public speaker. He has consulted many CEOs and other leaders from the corporate world and many athletes. He has the experience of over 25 years in leadership and elite performance virtuoso. He has conducted trainings for many companies like Nike, Microsoft, IBM, and FedEx. Many organization such as Yale university, Harvard Business School, and NASA also call him to give public speeches. Robin Sharma has written 12 books and founded the training company too.

About Book

One thing I really like about his books is that he makes everything even life’s hardest lessons so easy to understand, giving real examples and sharing his experiences, adding sayings by famous people who had made a mark in the world. That really uplifts your motivation and give you the confidence to be yourself, truly and completely. His wisdom will surely give you new wide perspective about life.

This book is about channeling your inner hero, creating the masterwork in your field, building habits which help you to be your best version in every aspect, and building your character. This book is about abolishing the victim mentality from mind and become the hero of your life. This book is about opening up to your true self even if it is vulnerable. This book is about dealing with your organic feelings and not surpassing them, being kind and loving to people, being curious and adventurous to know what life has in store for you, having rebellious spirit to follow your path when specially all around you don’t get it and most importantly living a life you will not regret in your deathbed.

Quoting Some of my favorite lines from the book.

“If you have not discovered something you would die for, you are not fit to live.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.

“When no-one believes in you is when you most need to believe in you.”

“It is wiser to take chance and risk looking foolish than miss the opportunity and end up empty and heart-broken, on your last day.”

“The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man.” – George Bernard Shaw

“All world-builders and change leaders are experts at using the language of hope, the vocabulary of execution and dialect of freedom. They avoid being infected with can’t.”

“Pursuits that don’t push you will never improve you.”

“Always be kind.”

“The making of a masterpiece is much less about the cash to be made and much more about the character of the creator.”

“One must still have chaos in oneself to be able to give birth to a dancing star.”- Friedrich Nietzsche

“Become your own top cheerleader, your single finest supporter and your number one fan.”

“Yet everything that you now find easy you once found hard, right? And consistency is the mother of mastery, correct?”

“We rise most not when we try to build Rome in a day, but when we steadily make mini-victories that call on us to remember our lost power and reclaim our sleeping strength.”

“Let me ask you something: When was the last time you tried something for the first time?”

“When someone shows you who they are, believe them.” – Maya Angelou

“Business is a conversation.”

“A splendid home life is a conversation.”

“Being an everyday hero begins with having a conversation with yourself, about who you wish to be and what you promise to do for the world. Lose the conversation with your finest you and you’ll lose the intimacy with your authenticity.”

“To have what only 5% of the population have, you must be willing to do 95% of the population is unwilling to do.”

“Clarity breeds mastery, right? You’ll never hit high value targets that you don’t even know about.”

“Tasks that you schedule are the tasks that get done.”

“You can’t get the Best in the world on your own. Set up your support team of ultra experts as soon as you can.”

“A giant key to exponential productivity is battleproofing your focus”

“Making something look simple often takes ages to do. A measure of genuine expertise is removing all except what matters. Because it takes tremendous acumen, knowledge, courage and skill to only include what’s essential.”

“Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.” – Carl Jung

“We know ourselves only as far as we’ve been tasted.” – Wislawa Szymborska

“Life must be lived with foresight, yet can only be understood in hindsight.”

“Let planning be your springboard so spontaneity can be your splash.”

“Leadership and courage are less about being born into boldness and more about what you do when you’re frightened.”

“Dream big. Start small. Act now.”

“Don’t ever diminish the power of words. Words move hearts and hearts move limbs.”

“Fear become faith when you walk into it.”

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