Makeup & Skincare

Super food For Long, Thick, Healthy Hair

How many times your hair needs nourishment and how many times you able to give it? Long and healthy hair is a dream of every girl, yeah I am not that blessed person. So taking care of my hair is essential part of my self care routine.

Our hair reacts to different seasons, humidity, weather, use of different hair styling tools, stress, lifestyle, heredity, environment, water, and the pollution around us. Taking care of your hair not only includes oiling and using good shampoo but it includes healthy diet, healthy mindset (able to control stress level), head massage to boost blood circulation, knowing and understanding your hair texture and your scalp and giving right treatments to your hair and scalp for healthy hair.

The super food of hair is hair mask, which is made by all natural ingredients which are easily available in all Indian kitchen. I have personally tried and tested this home made hair mask. There was a phase when my hair is falling like crazy and the growth of my hair became almost half, the texture of my hair was super thin and easily breakable, and my hair was not growing long and super thin at the ends. This hair mask is my savior!

I will give you the real picture too. It does not give result instantly like other chemical treatments and use of chemical products which can give you good hair for only short run. This hair mask is natural so you need to be very patient and set your hair care routine. You have to wait for at least six months to a year for the long run result and I tell you it will be worth your patient, your care and love given to your hair. Your hair will thank you later!

Main Ingredients

There are only four ingredients you need for this hair mask and it is easily available in your kitchen. It is ideal that you use this hair mask twice or thrice a month for six months for better result. The ingredients are:

  • Fenugreek Seeds
  • Yogurt
  • Castor Oil
  • Home-grown fresh Aloe Vera gel

Fenugreek seeds are a rich source of iron and protein — two essential nutrients for hair growth They also contain a unique composition of plant compounds, including flavonoids and saponins. These compounds are presumed to induce hair growth due to their anti-inflammatory and antifungal effects. Fenugreek has long been used to treat conditions that lead to dry, irritated skin, including dandruff — a condition marked by an itchy, flaking scalp.

The protein in Yogurt promotes strong and healthy hair. The lactic acid in yogurt cleanses the scalp, clears away dead skin cells, helps hair follicle growth.

Castor oil has been claimed to have a slew of benefits including strengthening strands, promoting hair growth, and nourishing dry scalp. And while the oil itself likely can’t make the hair grow, it is loved for its ability to create a healthier environment on the scalp that makes for way better hair growth.

Aloe Vera could be beneficial in a variety of ways because of its anti-inflammatory actions that may help reduce scalp irritation, moisturizing effect, enzyme and fatty acid content that may help reduce inflammation, vitamins C, E, B-12, folic acid, and choline content that may help nourish and strengthen hair.

How to make the Hair Mask?

Step 1 : Take two tablespoon of Fenugreek seed (methi seeds) and soak in a half a cup of normal water overnight. The next day the seeds have become the double the size.

Step 2 : Take this seeds with water in it and blend it in a mixture and get a smooth, thick paste.

Step 3 : Take out this fenugreek seed paste in a glass bowl and add one to two tablespoon of yogurt in it. The consistency should not runny.

Step 4 : Add one tablespoon of Castor Oil in it.

Step 5 : Take freshly cut small Aloe Vera, and get the gel inside it and smash it till it has no lumps and add it to the paste.

Step 6 : Mix everything well. And apply to your scalp and hair and leave it for an hour and wash it with normal water and use shampoo afterwards. no condition is required.

Use of this hair mask twice or thrice in a month, Appling after every ten or fifteen days for six months is necessary for better result. This mask is little sticky and not easy to wash off and it is okay if you use shampoo to remove this hair mask. And it is also okay if the scape has residue of mask after washing it, it’s normal and will leave once hair is dry. This mask I have personally tried for a year and the result was unbelievable. Apart from this hair mask, use of good hair oil, head massage for better blood circulation, healthy diet and less stress, avoid hit for styling your hair, all these care also should be taken for a healthy, happy hair.

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